The FAA implemented the first step in streamlining Part 91 LOA applications in June 2022. The Streamlined LOA (SLOA) application process is currently only available for newly manufactured aircraft delivered to the operator (LOA applicant) directly from the aircraft manufacturer. The application can be submitted within 60 days pre or post delivery. If these requirements are not met, then the Part 91 applicant cannot submit the application under the SLOA application process. The application has to be submitted under the "regular" LOA application process.
There are three components to the SLOA application and the operator must have all three components in order to participate:
ASOC: Aircraft Statement of Compliance
TSOC: Training Statement of Compliance
PSOC: Procedures Statement of Compliance
The ASOC is issued by the FAA to a specific aircraft make/model. Most newly manufactured aircraft have an ASOC. To see if your aircraft has this document, check the FAA's streamlined LOAs website for a list of OEMs and their contact information.
The TSOC is issued by the FAA to the training facility. There are two types of TSOC's; one issued for general training courses like RVSM, NAT HLA, RNP-10, PBN (standalone or as modules in an International Operations Procedures course), and the second is the aircraft specific training. RVSM, NAT HLA, RNP-10/4/2 training can be generic (not aircraft model specific). CPDLC, RNAV-1/RPN-1 and LNAV/VNAV/LPV training must be specific to the aircraft model. The operator must complete both the generic (non-aircraft specific) for RVSM, NAT HLA, RNP-10/4/2 and aircraft specific training for CPDLC, RNAV-1/RNP-1 and LNAV/VNAV/LPV. Some TSOCs do not have aircraft specific training for CPDLC. If this is the case for your aircraft, the CPDLC LOA cannot be submitted under the SLOA process, but the other LOAs can.
The PSOC is issued by the FAA to manual vendors after they have conducted an extensive review of the procedures. The PSOC will identify what LOAs are covered, and all LOAs requested by the operator must be identified. Jet RVSM has a PSOC for our International Operations Manual, which includes RVSM, NAT HLA, RNP-10/4/2, RNAV-1/RNP-1, LNAV/VNAV/LPV and CPDLC LOAs.
Contact Jet RVSM today to see if you are eligible to submit an SLOA application!